Superhero in the park

January 14, 2017

It’s Saturday. I worked today. Before leaving this morning I promised Axel Jair that when I got home we would go down to the park for a little while. I was a bit tired and I was not sure if I still had the energy. I planned on being home at 3:30 but I got caught up. It was five thirty now… As I turned the key to the front door I wondered if he would remember…

¡Mami! ¡Vamos al parque! 

Who was I kidding! ¡Not in a million years! He remembers everything. I mean EVERYTHING! He remembers places we visited only once, six months later! It’s crazy! I might dare to say he has some sort of photographic memory. Only time will tell. One thing is for sure, no matter how tired, worried or sad I may be, something magical happens when he greets me with that beautiful smile of his. It’s a natural rush. Suddenly even if just for a moment everything negative goes away. His beautiful smile infuses me with love and energy.

 ¡Claro que sí mi flaco bello! 

I open my arms. He runs towards me laughing. When we embrace, I close my eyes. Focus. Remember every detail. I think to myself. The sweet smell of coconut oil that permeates from him is the best aromatherapy around; all the money in the world could not buy better.

— ¡Mira mami! I am ready! ¡Tengo mi camisa de superhéroe!  

He points to the superman logo on his chest.

— Yes papi I see that. You have your Super Man tee shirt on! It looks awwwwwesome! — my voice muffled by his curls over my face.

I pull away just a bit so that I may look into his eyes. I think:

Thank you baby for saving me. For being the superhero that constantly saves me from drowning in the everyday. Te adoro.

I put my bags down and turn right back out with my superhero in hand.

—¡Al parque con mi super héroe!  Julie! Lets go!



¡Mami! ¡Vamos al parque! / Mom! Lets go to the park!

¡Mira mami! / Look mom!

¡Tengo mi camisa de superhéroe! / I have my superhero teeshirt on!

¡Al parque con mi super héroe! / To the park with my superhero!


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