
Bienvenidos nature lovers, adventure seekers and parents of wild childs!

I am Gigi, an NYC Latina expat mom who has fallen wildly in love with nature and my two children, Alyssa Julianna and Axel Jair, the inspiration for ajsibsan expat child´s lifestyle blog.

I invite you to take a peek into our lives as an American family living and loving life in the city of Santiago de Cali in Colombia; a place characterized by its majestic geography and richly diverse and warm culture. We’re navigating life abroad together as interracial, bilingual family and detailing our experiences along the way. (My husband, despite being a genius computer scientist is social media introvert, so he only makes sporadic guest appearances.)

In this blog I chronicle my efforts of raising  happy, conscious wild childs and offer tips on how to do so. Why happy? Happier kids are more likely to turn into successful, accomplished adults. Why conscious? Conscious children have an understanding of who they are and world around them. Why wildchilds? Because an understanding of self begins with an understanding of nature and our place within it.

But this is not just a parenting blog! Here, you can follow our nature travel adventures near and far, get a fresh perspective on expat lifestyle, and how to live a cleaner, greener life, as well as get insider tips and information on local foods, places and things in Santiago de Cali.

When we are not busy with life or on a nature adventure, we support small business, review cool things and places.

To keep up with our latest adventures and reviews, stick around and check out the blog. Or get on the spot motivation to be/raise a happy, conscious wild child from our newest Instagram moments @nyclatinabroad.

Be brave, be true, stay wild!
