15 River safety tips

One of the best ways to beat the heat in Santiago de Cali is to bathe in one of its most iconic river, the Pance River. We try to go at least once a month on the weekends.  We usually go swimming at  Ecoparque Rio Pance (River Pance State Park). It has a  lot of…

Farm play dates are awesome!

One of the best things of living in Colombia is having the beauty of its landscape and the opportunity for the kids to enjoy it. That fun is even greater when shared with great friends!

Rio Claro with New Friends

Yesterday we shared some fun times with new friends, Emelia and Matias. Originally from London, they moved to Colombia three months ago.  Our paths crossed cause their parents are getting married and needed a wedding planner, a role yours truly is enjoying greatly. If you know me you know:  I LOVES ME A PARTY!  It…