Pizza Parties at Karen´s are Always a Hit!

Playing, dancing, rock climbing, indoor soccer, pizza making (and eating of course!) make for one awesome kids party! That’s why my kiddos always love getting invited to birthday parties at Karen’s Pizza.

Superhero in the park

Before leaving this morning I promised Axel Jair that when I got home we would go down to the park for a little while. As I turned the key to the front door I wondered if he would remember…

Funny potato home remedy

I woke up this morning and and went to my kitchen for some coffee. I found my house worker leaning against the kitchen counter holding two pieces of raw potatoes slices on her forehead.

Goodbye 2016! Hello 2017!

Goodbye 2016! May Daddy be home soon and may this year be filled with love and prosperity! Hello 2017!

Christmas Eve 2016

Unlike the States where families get together on Christmas day, in Colombia and most Latin American countries we get together on Christmas Eve, known in Spanish as Noche Buena.

Novena of Aguinaldos at Grandpa´s

Yesterday on the 6th day before Christmas we attended the Novena of Aguinaldos at Grandpa’s place. A Catholic custom we are loving in Colombia!

Cousins, cannon balls and cake!

One of the best parts of the holiday season is spending time with family that you don’t get to see all year round. This past Sunday we got to spend time with cousins Judy, Judita and Algis, the last two live in Birmingham, England and Miami respectively. We also got to meet Judita’s boyfriend a nuclear…

Ahhhh! Axel is doing dishes!

So… On the first day of Christmas break I tried to sleep a couple of extra minutes after the kids got up AT THE CRACK OF DAWN! I decided I couldn’t sleep knowing they were roaming around the apartment unsupervised, so I got up.